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hanging out是什么意思,hanging out的翻译,hanging out音

一:hanging out是什么意思,hanging out的翻译,hanging out音的意思

hanging out是一个常见的英语短语,它可以指代多种含义。最常见的意思是“闲逛,消磨时间”,也可以表示“挂出,悬挂”,还可以表示“聚会,交际”。在不同的语境下,hanging out也可能有不同的含义。

hanging out是什么意思,hanging out的翻译,hanging out音


[hæŋɪŋ aʊt]


1. 作为动词使用时,hanging out通常表示“闲逛,消磨时间”。:

- We spent the whole afternoon just hanging out at the park.(我们整个下午都在公园里闲逛。)

- They like to hang out at the mall on weekends.(他们周末喜欢在商场里消磨时间。)

2. 作为名词使用时,hanging out可以表示“聚会,交际”。:

- I'm going to a hanging out with some friends tonight.(今晚我要和几个朋友聚会。)

- We had a great time hanging out with our neighbors last night.(昨晚我们和邻居们一起玩得很开心。)

3. 另外,在口语中,hanging out也可以用来表示“挂出,悬挂”。:

- Can you help me hang these pictures? I want them to be hanging out evenly.(你能帮我挂这些照片吗?我希望它们挂得平均一点。)


1. We were just hanging out at the coffee shop, chatting and enjoying each other's company.(我们只是在咖啡店里闲逛,聊天,享受彼此的陪伴。)

2. My mom always tells me not to spend too much time hanging out with my friends and focus on my studies.(我妈妈总是告诉我不要花太多时间和朋友闲逛,要专注于学习。)

3. I don't have any plans for tonight, so maybe I'll just hang out at home and watch some movies.(我今晚没有什么计划,所以可能就在家里闲逛,看些电影。)

4. The clothes are still wet, so I'm going to hang them out on the balcony to dry.(衣服还是湿的,所以我要把它们挂在阳台上晾干。)

5. We had a great time hanging out with our old college friends at the reunion party last weekend.(上周末我们和老大学同学一起参加了聚会,玩得很开心。)


1. hang around:与hanging out的意思类似,也可以表示“闲逛”或“聚会”。:

- He spends most of his free time hanging around with his friends.(他大部分的空闲时间都是和朋友们一起闲逛。)

- The teenagers were just hanging around the mall, not really interested in buying anything.(那些青少年只是在商场里闲逛,对买东西并不感兴趣。)

2. chill out:也可以表示“放松,消磨时间”。:

- Let's just chill out at home this weekend, I don't feel like going out.(这个周末我们就在家里放松吧,我不想出去。)

- After a long day of work, I like to chill out with a good book and a cup of tea.(工作了一整天后,我喜欢拿本好书和一杯茶放松一下。)

3. socialize:可以表示“交际,社交”。:

- She's not very good at socializing, so she often avoids going to parties.(她不太擅长社交,所以经常避免参加聚会。)

- It's important for children to learn how to socialize with others from a young age.(孩子从小学会如何与他人交际是很重要的。)


hanging out是一个常见的英语短语,在不同的语境下可能有不同的含义。最常见的意思是“闲逛,消磨时间”,也可以表示“聚会,交际”。它可以作为动词或名词使用,还可以用来表示“挂出,悬挂”。同义词有hang around和chill out,也可以用socialize来替换。在使用时需要根据具体语境来确定其含义。


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