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The meaning of "束手无策英文怎么写" is to be at a loss or have no idea how to proceed with something.


Pronunciation: /ʃù shǒu wú cè yīng wén zěn me xiě/



This phrase is commonly used to express a feeling of being helpless or having no solution to a problem. It can also be used to describe a situation where one is unable to take any action due to certain constraints.


1. 我们已经尝试了所有的方法,但还是束手无策,不知道该如何解决这个问题。

We have tried all the methods, but we are still at a loss and don't know how to solve this problem.

2. 在这种情况下,我感到非常束手无策,因为我没有任何相关的经验。

In this situation, I feel completely helpless because I have no relevant experience.

3. 他们面临着一个巨大的挑战,但是他们却束手无策,不知道该从何处着手。

They are facing a huge challenge, but they are at a loss and don't know where to start.

4. 这个项目遇到了很多困难,我们感到十分束手无策。

This project has encountered many difficulties and we feel completely helpless.

5. 她被困在一个陌生的城市里,语言不通,感到束手无策。

She was trapped in a foreign city, unable to communicate and feeling completely helpless.


1. 无计可施 (wú jì kě shī): to have no means or methods to deal with something.

2. 毫无办法 (háo wú bàn fǎ): to have no solution or way out.

3. 困惑不解 (kùn huò bù jiě): to be puzzled and unable to understand something.

4. 不知所措 (bù zhī suǒ cuò): to be at a loss and not know what to do.

5. 一筹莫展 (yī chóu mò zhǎn): to have no idea how to proceed with something.


"束手无策英文怎么写" is a commonly used phrase that expresses a feeling of being helpless or having no solution. It can be used in various situations, such as when facing challenges, difficulties, or unfamiliar circumstances. There are also several synonyms that can be used interchangeably with this phrase. As an editor, it is important to use this phrase accurately and appropriately in context.


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