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冰锄的英文:The English translation of "chisel"


"冰锄" is a Chinese word that refers to a type of tool used for breaking and removing ice. It is commonly used in wintertime for various purposes, such as making roads, paths, and foundations for buildings.

As English speakers, we may be familiar with the term "chisel" as a noun, which refers to a tool used for carving or breaking material. However, when referring to the chisel as a verb, it is often used to mean "to chisel or break into pieces."
The History of the Chisel
The origins of the chisel can be traced back to ancient times, where it was used for various purposes such as hunting, warfare, and agriculture. The word "chisel" comes from the Old English word "cildes," which means "a sharp piece of iron or steel used for cutting."

Over time, the chisel has evolved into a more specialized tool for breaking and removing ice. In modern times, it is commonly used in construction, agriculture, and even personal在日常生活中,例如在冬天,冰锄可以用来破除积雪、开辟道路、以及用于建筑和雕刻等。

The Uses of the Chisel
The chisel is a versatile tool that can be used for various purposes. Here are some of the common uses of the chisel:
1. Breaking Ice

One of the most common uses of the chisel is breaking ice to make roads, paths, and foundations for buildings. During the winter months, ice can form on roads and walkways, making it difficult to travel. The chisel can be used to break up the ice, making it easier to drive or walk.

2. Carving Stone

Another use of the chisel is for carving stone. Many buildings and monuments are made of stone, and the chisel is often used to cut and carve the stone into intricate designs and patterns.

3. Creating Art

The chisel can also be used for creating art. Many artists use the chisel to cut and carve石头, wood, or other materials into unique pieces of art.

4. Breaking Glass

The chisel can also be used for breaking glass. In some cases, chisel breaks can be used to repair broken glass or windows.


The chisel is a versatile tool that has been used for various purposes throughout history. In modern times, it is still widely used for breaking and removing ice, as well as for creating art and carving stone.

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