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1. 作为动词:

a. 弯曲:The tree bends in the strong wind. (树在强风中弯曲。)

b. 屈服:He refused to bend to their demands. (他拒绝屈服于他们的要求。)

c. 转向:The road bends to the left. (这条路向左转弯。)

d. 改变方向:I had to bend my plans when I found out about the change in schedule. (当我得知时间表有变化时,我不得不改变我的计划。)

2. 作为名词:

a. 弯曲处:The road has many bends and turns. (这条路有许多弯道和转弯处。)

b. 拐弯处:Take a right at the next bend. (在下一个拐弯处右转。)


1. The old man's back was bent from years of hard labor.


2. She refused to bend her principles, even when it meant losing her job.


3. The river bends around the mountain, creating a beautiful landscape.


4. The politician tried to bend the truth in order to win the election.


5. He had to bend down to pick up the coins he dropped on the ground.



1. The metal bar was bent out of shape after being hit by a heavy object.


2. She was determined not to bend under pressure from her peers.


3. The road ahead bends to the right, so be careful when driving.


4. He tried to bend the rules in order to get what he wanted.


5. She couldn't resist bending down to pet the cute puppy on the street.



1. Curve:作为动词,意为“弯曲”、“使弯曲”。作为名词,意为“弯曲处”、“曲线”。

例句:The road curves around the mountain. (这条路在山脉周围弯曲。)

2. Flex:作为动词,意为“弯曲”、“伸展”。作为名词,意为“弹性”、“柔韧性”。

例句:The gymnast showed great flexibility as she flexed her body into different positions. (体操运动员展示了出色的柔韧性,在不同的姿势中伸展身体。)

3. Bow:作为动词,意为“弯曲”、“鞠躬”。作为名词,意为“弓形物”、“蝴蝶结”。

例句:She bowed her head in shame. (她羞愧地低下头。)

4. Twist:作为动词,意为“扭转”、“扭伤”。作为名词,意为“扭转”、“转折点”。

例句:He twisted his ankle while playing basketball. (他在打篮球时扭伤了脚踝。)

5. Yield:作为动词,意为“屈服”、“产量”。作为名词,意为“产量”、“收益率”。

例句:The company yielded to the demands of the striking workers and increased their wages. (公司屈服于工人的要求,并提高了他们的工资。)




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