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1. 作名词:

a. 指人或动物身体的背部部分:She has a tattoo on her back.(她身上有一处纹身在背上。)

b. 指物体或建筑物的后面部分:The book is on the back of the shelf.(这本书在书架后面。)

c. 指支持或帮助某人或某事物的人:I have the full backing of my team in this decision.(我在这个决定上得到了团队的全力支持。)

2. 作动词:

a. 支持或赞成某人或某事物:I will always back my friends no matter what happens.(无论发生什么事情,我都会一直支持我的朋友。)

b. 回复或恢复原状:The doctor said my injury will take a few weeks to back to normal.(医生说我的伤需要几周才能恢复正常。)

c. 倒退或后退:The car backed into the parking spot.(汽车倒进了停车位。)

3. 作形容词:

a. 指位置在后面的:The back row of the theater is usually cheaper.(剧院的后排通常比较便宜。)

b. 指背部的:She has a tattoo on her back.(她身上有一处纹身在背上。)


1. She turned her back on me when I needed her the most.(当我最需要她的时候,她却背弃了我。)

2. The bookshelf is against the back wall of the room.(书架靠着房间的后墙。)

3. The politician has the backing of his party in the upcoming election.(这位家在即将到来的中得到了他所在党派的支持。)

4. I always back up my important files on an external hard drive.(我总是把重要文件备份到外部硬盘上。)

5. The car started to back up when it heard someone honk behind it.(当听到有人在它后面按喇叭时,汽车开始倒退。)


1.Support:作动词,意为“支持”;作名词,意为“支持;援助”。:I fully support your decision to quit your job and travel around the world.

2.Endorse:作动词,意为“支持;认可”。:The company's CEO endorsed the new product at the press conference.

3.Backing:作名词,意为“支持;后盾”。:The team's strong backing helped them win the championship.

4.Rear:作形容词,意为“后面的”。:The rear entrance of the building is used for deliveries.

5.Retreat:作动词,意为“撤退;退却”;作名词,意为“撤退;后退”。:The army was forced to retreat due to heavy enemy fire.


back这个单词有多种含义和用法,在不同语境下都有不同的意思。作名词时,指人或物体的背部、后面部分或支持者;作动词时,可以表示支持、回复、倒退等动作;作形容词时,则是指位置在后面的或背部的。除了以上提到的同义词外,back还可以和其他单词组合成多种短语和习语,如back up(备份)、back down(让步)、out of the back door(从后门)等。因此,在学习和使用这个单词时,需要根据具体语境来理解其含义,并且注意其不同形式之间的差别。


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