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一钩新月照西楼。 诗词名句


一钩新月照西楼。 诗词名句

怎么读(音标):yī gōu xīn yuè zhào xī lóu



1. 《静夜思》中有“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。”这首诗中也有“一钩新月照西楼”之句。

Translation: In the poem "Quiet Night Thoughts", there is a line that says "In front of my bed, the moon shines bright, I thought it was frost on the ground. I lift my head and gaze at the moon, then lower it and think of my hometown." This poem also contains the line "A crescent moon shines on the western building."

2. 《春江花月夜》中有“一帘幽梦五更钟,情人怨遥夜、竟夕起盼回光。”这首词也运用了“一钩新月照西楼”来描写夜晚的美景。

Translation: In the song "Spring River Flower Moon Night", there is a line that says "Behind a curtain, I have a dream in the wee hours of the morning. My lover complains about the long night, waiting for the return of the moon all night long." This song also uses the line "A crescent moon shines on the western building" to describe the beautiful night scene.

3. 《琵琶行》中有“一弯秋月湾人背,三更灯火五更鸡。”这首诗也运用了“一钩新月照西楼”来描写月夜下的景色。

Translation: In the poem "Song of Pipa", there is a line that says "A crescent moon hangs on a person's back in autumn, with lanterns lit at midnight and roosters crowing at dawn." This poem also uses the line "A crescent moon shines on the western building" to describe the scenery under the moon.

4. 在电影《卧虎藏龙》中,李安导演巧妙地将“一钩新月照西楼”作为电影的片名,表达了主人公们在西楼上的对话和情感交流。

Translation: In the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", director Ang Lee cleverly used "A Crescent Moon Shines on Western Building" as its title, expressing the dialogue and emotional communication between the main characters on of a western building.

5. “一钩新月照西楼”不仅仅是文学作品中常用的修辞手法,也可以用来形容现实生活中的美景。比如,在海边散步时,看到海面上挂着一钩新月,就会让人感到心旷神怡。

Translation: "A crescent moon shines on the western building" is not only a commonly used rhetorical device in literary works, but can also be used to describe beautiful scenes in real life. For example, when taking a walk by the sea and seeing a crescent moon hanging above the water, it can bring a sense of peace and joy to people.


1. 一轮新月照西楼(yī lún xīn yuè zhào xī lóu):与“一钩新月照西楼”意思相同,只是用词不同。

2. 半弯新月挂西楼(bàn wān xīn yuè guà xī lóu):指半圆形的新月挂在西楼上,也可以用来形容美丽的月夜景色。

3. 清辉照西楼(qīng huī zhào xī lóu):指明亮的月光照耀着西楼,也可以用来比喻美好的事物。

4. 皓月当空(hào yuè dāng kōng):指明亮的月光高悬在天空中,也可以用来形容美好的景象。

5. 明月高悬(míng yuè gāo xuán):指明亮的月光高高地挂在天空中,也可以用来形容美好的景色。




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