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2.读音:/wʌn laɪf təm ju: ɪŋ'glɪʃ haʊ tə seɪ/




1) My grandmother has been using the same recipe for her famous apple pie for as long as I can remember. It's a recipe that will be used for one's whole life.


2) I have decided to learn Spanish and I am determined to stick with it for the rest of my life. It's a language that I will use for one's whole life.


3) The phrase "I love you" is not something to be taken lightly. When I say it, I mean it for one's whole life.


4) Some people are afraid of commitment and don't want to use the phrase "I do" in their wedding vows. But for me, it's a phrase that I will say for one's whole life.


5) My grandfather always told me, "Honesty is the best policy." It's a saying that has stuck with me for one's whole life.



- For one's entire life: 指某件事或某个词语在一个人的整个生命中都会持续使用。

- For the rest of one's life: 指某件事或某个词语在一个人的余生中都会持续使用。

- Lifelong: 形容某种状态或行为持续了整个生命期间。

- Perpetual: 持久不变,永恒的。

- Constant: 不断地存在或发生的,持续不变的。

- Everlasting: 永恒的,持久的。

6.编辑总结:一辈子用英语怎么说是一个常用的短语和句子,它表达了某件事或某个词语在一个人的一生中都会被使用。它也可以作为一个承诺和决心的表达,表示不会改变自己的想法或做法。同义词包括for one's entire life, for the rest of one's life, lifelong, perpetual, constant和everlasting。在日常交流中,我们可以使用这个短语来强调某件事或某个词语对我们来说具有重要性和持久性。


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