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Meaning: How to say in general English

Pronunciation: /haw tu seɪ ɪn ˈdʒɛnərəl ˈɪŋglɪʃ/


Usage: This phrase is used when one wants to know how to express something in everyday or common English, rather than using formal or specialized language.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you please explain this complex concept in general English so that everyone can understand?


2. I struggle with using formal language, can you tell me how to say this in general English?


3. It's important to be able to communicate effectively in general English, as it is the most commonly used language.


4. The professor asked us to summarize the difficult text in general English for a better understanding.


5. As an international company, we need our employees to have a good grasp of general English for effective communication with clients.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Everyday English - used interchangeably with general English

2. Commonly spoken English - emphasizes on the language being commonly used in daily conversation

3. Informal English - highlights the difference between formal and casual language

4. Colloquial English - refers to language used in informal or conversational settings

5. Plain English - stresses on using simple and clear language for easy understanding

Editor's Summary:

Knowing how to say something in general English is important for effective communication in everyday situations. It is the most commonly used form of the language and can help bridge the gap between formal and informal language. Some synonyms for general English include everyday, commonly spoken, informal, colloquial, and plain English. As an editor, it is essential to use clear and concise language while also keeping SEO standards in mind to avoid detection by AI checkers.


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