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settle up是什么意思,settle up的翻译,settle up音标、读

settle up是什么意思

settle up是什么意思,settle up的翻译,settle up音标、读

settle up是一个常用的短语,意思是“结清账目”、“付清欠款”或“解决问题”。它通常指的是在某种交易或协议完成后,双方需要进行最后的结算和付款。

settle up的翻译

settle up可以被翻译为“结算”、“付清”、“解决”等词语。具体翻译取决于上下文和语境。

settle up音标、读音

settle up的音标为[ˈsɛtl ʌp],读作“SET-ul UP”。


settle up通常作为及物动词使用,后面接宾语。它可以用来指结算账目、付清欠款或解决问题。:

- We need to settle up the bill before we leave the restaurant.(我们需要在离开餐厅之前结算账单。)

- After months of negotiations, they finally settled up on a new trade agreement.(经过数月的谈判,他们最终就一项新的贸易协议达成了一致。)

- It's time to settle up our differences and move on.(是时候解决我们之间的分歧并继续前进了。)


1. We should settle up the rent for this month before the end of the week.(本周末之前我们应该付清本月的房租。)

2. After the divorce, they had to settle up their joint bank account.(离婚后,他们必须结清共同的银行账户。)

3. Let's settle up this matter once and for all.(让我们彻底解决这件事吧。)

4. The company has settled up all outstanding debts with its creditors.(公司已经与债权人结清了所有未偿还的债务。)

5. It's important to settle up any disputes before signing the contract.(在签署合同之前解决任何争议是很重要的。)


1. Pay off:指偿还欠款或抵消某种负债,常用于支付货款或贷款。

例句:I finally paid off my student loans after years of hard work.(经过多年的努力,我终于还清了我的学生贷款。)

2. Clear:指清除或解决某种障碍或问题。

例句:We need to clear up this misunderstanding between us before it gets worse.(我们需要在误会变得更糟之前解决我们之间的误解。)

3. Settle accounts:指结算账目或付清欠款,常用于商业交易。

例句:The two companies will meet tomorrow to settle accounts for their joint project.(两家公司将在明天会面,为他们共同的项目结算账目。)

4. Resolve:指解决问题或,通常指通过协商或调解达成一致。

例句:We need to resolve this issue before it causes any more problems.(我们需要在这件事引发更多问题之前解决它。)


settle up是一个常用的短语,意思是“结清账目”、“付清欠款”或“解决问题”。它可以被翻译为“结算”、“付清”、“解决”等词语,通常作为及物动词使用。同义词包括pay off、clear、settle accounts和resolve。使用时需要根据语境和上下文来确定具体的翻译和用法。


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