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settle up with是什么意思,settle up with的解释

settle up with是指与某人或某结算,偿还欠款,结束财务交易关系。这个短语通常用于商业场景,也可以用于个人之间的债务清偿。

settle up with是什么意思,settle up with的解释


settle up with [ˈsetl ʌp wɪð]


settle up with通常作为及物动词短语使用。其主语可以是人或,宾语为欠款的对象。也可以将with省略,只说settle up。


1. I need to settle up with my landlord before I move out. (在我搬出之前,我需要与房东结算。)

2. The company settled up with its suppliers after receiving a large sum of investment. (公司收到大笔投资后,与供应商结清了欠款。)

3. It's time for you to settle up with your credit card company. (该是你和信用卡公司结账的时候了。)

4. The two friends settled up their bet over a game of poker. (两位朋友通过一场扑克游戏解决了他们的赌注。)

5. We still need to settle up with the restaurant for our dinner last night. (我们还需要付昨晚晚餐在餐厅的账单。)


1. pay off:偿还欠款或清除债务。

例句:We finally paid off our mortgage after 20 years. (我们终于在20年后还清了房贷。)

2. clear up:偿还欠款或解决问题。

例句:I need to clear up my credit card debt before it affects my credit score. (我需要在信用记录受影响之前清偿信用卡债务。)

3. settle accounts:结算账目或清偿债务。

例句:We need to settle accounts with our business partners before the end of the year. (我们需要在年底前与商业伙伴结算账目。)


settle up with是一个常用的商业术语,也可以用于个人之间的债务清偿。它的意思是与某人或结算,偿还欠款,结束财务交易关系。这个短语通常作为及物动词短语使用,其主语可以是人或,宾语为欠款的对象。同义词包括pay off、clear up和settle accounts等。


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