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settle in是什么意思,settle in的翻译,settle in音标、读

settle in是指逐渐适应新的环境、生活方式或工作岗位。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。在这篇文章中,我们将探讨settle in这个短语的意思、读音、用法、例句和同义词,并给出编辑总结。

settle in是什么意思,settle in的翻译,settle in音标、读

一:settle in是什么意思

settle in的意思是逐渐适应新的环境、生活方式或工作岗位。它可以指一个人在新的地方安顿下来,也可以指一个人开始习惯新的生活方式或工作环境。

二:settle in的翻译

根据上下文不同,settle in可以有多种翻译,比如“安顿下来”、“适应”、“习惯”等。具体翻译要根据具体语境来确定。


settle in的音标为/ˈsɛtəl ɪn/。


1. 作及物动词时,后面通常接介词to,表示“在某地安顿下来”,:

- I just moved to this city, and I'm still trying to settle in.


- It takes time to settle in a new country.


2. 作不及物动词时,通常用于描述一个人开始适应新的生活环境或工作环境,:

- It took me a while to settle in at my new job.


- The kids are finally settling in at their new school.


3. settle in也可以用来指习惯某种生活方式或工作环境,:

- After years of traveling, I've finally settled in a small town.


- It takes time to settle into a healthy routine.


4. settle in也可以用来指解决问题或达成协议,:

- We need to settle in this dispute before it gets out of hand.


- The two sides finally settled in their negotiations and reached an agreement.



1. It took me a while to settle into my new apartment, but now I feel right at home. (我花了一些时间才适应我的新公寓,但现在我感觉像在家一样舒服。)

2. The students are still settling in at the beginning of the semester, but they will get used to their new schedules soon. (学生们在学期初还在适应,但他们很快就会习惯新的课程表。)

3. It's important to give yourself time to settle in when you move to a new city. (当你搬到一个新城市时,给自己时间去适应是很重要的。)

4. The company provided a settling-in allowance for the new employees to help them adjust to their new surroundings. (公司为新员工提供了一笔安家费,帮助他们适应新的环境。)

5. After years of traveling, I'm finally ready to settle in one place and start a family. (经过多年的旅行,我终于准备在一个地方定居并开始组建家庭。)


1. adapt to:适应

- It takes time to adapt to a new culture.


2. adjust to:调整、适应

- It takes some time to adjust to a new schedule.


3. acclimate:使习惯、使适应

- It took me a while to acclimate to the hot weather.


4. get used to:习惯、适应

- It takes time for children to get used to their new school.



settle in是一个常用的短语,可以用来描述一个人在新的环境中逐渐适应和安顿下来。它可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,具体用法要根据语境来确定。除了表示安顿下来,settle in也可以指习惯某种生活方式或工作环境,解决问题或达成协议。同义词包括adapt to、adjust to、acclimate、get used to等。最后,要提醒大家注意根据具体语境选择合适的翻译,在使用时要注意语法和句式的正确性。


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