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settle down是什么意思,settle down的解释

一:settle down是什么意思,settle down的解释 的意思是安定下来,平静下来,安顿下来。

二:怎么读(音标):[ˈsetl daʊn]

三:用法:作为动词短语,settle down表示“安定下来”,常用于描述人或事物从不稳定、不平静的状态转变为稳定、平静的状态。它可以指一个人冷静下来,也可以指一个地方或环境变得安宁和舒适。

settle down是什么意思,settle down的解释


1. After living a nomadic lifestyle for many years, John finally decided to settle down and start a family. (多年过着游牧生活后,约翰最终决定安定下来,开始组建家庭。)

2. It took some time for the new students to settle down in their new school. (新生们在新学校里花了一些时间才能适应。)

3. The baby finally settled down and fell asleep in his mother's arms. (婴儿最终在母亲的怀抱中安静下来入睡了。)

4. The storm has passed and the sea has settled down again. (暴风雨过去了,大海又恢复了平静。)

5. It's time for you to settle down and focus on your career instead of partying all the time. (是时候让你安定下来,专注于事业,而不是整天玩乐了。)

五:同义词及用法:calm down, quiet down, relax, get comfortable等都可以替换settle down,表示平静下来或安定下来的意思。

六:编辑总结:settle down是一个常用的动词短语,表示从不稳定、不平静的状态转变为稳定、平静的状态。它可以指人冷静下来,也可以指地方或环境变得安宁和舒适。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个短语来描述自己或他人的状态转变。同时,它也可以和其他动词搭配使用,如settle down in/into表示“安顿下来”,settle down to表示“专心致志”。总之,掌握好这个短语的用法能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。


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