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settle in是什么意思? settle in翻译(中文文):迁入 hellip

怎么读(音标):[ˈsetl ɪn]

用法:Settle in是一个动词短语,意为“迁入”,通常用来描述一个人或一群人搬到一个新的地方并开始适应新环境的过程。

settle in是什么意思? settle in翻译(中文文):迁入 hellip

例句1:It takes time to settle in after moving to a new city. (搬到新城市后需要一些时间来适应)

例句2:The refugees are still struggling to settle in their new country. (难民们仍在努力适应他们的新)

例句3:It's easier to settle in if you have some friends or family in the area. (如果你在当地有朋友或家人,就会更容易适应)

例句4:The children were excited to settle in their new home and explore the neighborhood. (孩子们对于在新家安定下来并探索附近感到兴奋)

例句5:I'm still trying to settle in at my new job, but my colleagues have been very welcoming. (我仍在努力适应我的新工作,但我的同事们非常热情)

同义词及用法:Settle in也可以用come/settle down来替换,意思相同。:“I can't wait to come down and start my new life here.”(我迫不及待地想开始我的新生活)


Settle in是一个常用的动词短语,形容一个人或一群人搬到一个新的地方并开始适应新环境的过程。它可以用来描述搬家、移民或者开始新的工作等情况。同义词come/settle down也可以替换使用。如果要表达“安定下来”的意思,可以使用settle down。总的来说,settle in是一个非常实用的短语,能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的想法和感受。


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