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out of the woods是什么意思,out of the woods的翻译,out

一:out of the woods是什么意思,out of the woods的翻译,out 的意思

out of the woods是一个英语表达,意为“脱离危险,解除困境”。它也可以指一个人或事物从一个困难的情况中挣脱出来,重新恢复正常状态。单词out作为介词时,意为“从……里面;在外面”,作为副词时,意为“出去;离开”。

out of the woods是什么意思,out of the woods的翻译,out


out [aʊt] of [əv] the [ðə] woods [wʊdz]


out of the woods通常作为形容词短语使用,用来描述一个人或事物从困境中解脱出来的状态。它也可以作为动词短语使用,表示一个人或事物已经摆脱了困境。


1. After months of struggling, we finally made it out of the woods and our business is now thriving. (经过数月的奋斗,我们终于摆脱了困境,我们的生意现在正在蓬勃发展。)

2. She was worried about her health, but thankfully she's out of the woods now. (她担心自己的健康问题,但幸运的是她现在已经摆脱了困境。)

3. The team was losing badly in the first half, but they managed to turn things around and come out of the woods with a win. (上半场,球队处于落后状态,但他们设法扭转局面,最终以胜利结束。)

4. It's been a tough year for our family, but we're finally out of the woods and things are looking up. (对我们家来说,这是一个艰难的一年,但我们终于走出了困境,前景看起来很好。)

5. The firefighter bravely went into the burning building to rescue the trapped family and brought them out of the woods. (消防员勇敢地进入着火的建筑物救出被困的家人,并将他们带出危险区域。)


1. Out of danger: 意为“脱离危险”,强调从危险中解脱出来。

2. Out of trouble: 意为“摆脱麻烦”,指从麻烦中解脱出来。

3. Out of the woods: 同样可以用来形容一个人或事物从困境中解脱出来。

4. Out of the dark: 意为“走出黑暗”,喻指从不幸或困难中得到解脱。

5. Out of harm's way: 意为“远离危险”,指避免受到伤害或危险。


out of the woods是一个常用的英语表达,用来形容一个人或事物从困境中解脱出来的状态。它可以作为形容词短语使用,也可以作为动词短语使用。除了表示从困境中解脱出来外,它也可以指一个人或事物重新恢复正常状态。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来描述自己或他人成功地摆脱了困难,也可以用来鼓励他人不要放弃希望,因为总会有走出困境的一天。


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