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out of sync是什么意思,out of sync的解释

意思:out of sync是指两个或多个事物之间的时间、节奏或步调不一致,无法协调合作或同步进行。

怎么读(音标):/aʊt ɒv sɪŋk/

用法:out of sync通常用作形容词短语,表示某事物与其他事物不同步或不协调。也可以用作动词短语out of sync with,表示某事物与其他事物不一致或脱节。


1. My watch is out of sync with the clock on the wall.(我的手表和墙上的钟不同步。)

out of sync是什么意思,out of sync的解释

2. The dancers were out of sync with the music, making the performance look chaotic.(舞者和音乐不协调,使得表演看起来混乱。)

3. The two teams were out of sync during the game, resulting in a loss for both sides.(比赛中两支球队的配合不默契,导致双方都输了。)

4. His actions and words were completely out of sync, confusing everyone around him.(他的言行完全不一致,让周围的人感到困惑。)

5. The movie's subtitles were out of sync with the dialogue, making it difficult to follow along.(电影的字幕和对话不同步,让人难以跟上剧情。)


1. Out of step:与其他事物不同步或不协调,常用于描述或团体的行动。

例句:The soldiers were out of step with the commander's orders, causing chaos on the battlefield.(士们和指挥官的命令不协调,导致战场混乱。)

2. Out of rhythm:节奏不一致,常用于描述音乐或舞蹈。

例句:The drummer was out of rhythm with the rest of the band, throwing off the entire performance.(鼓手和乐队其他成员的节奏不一致,影响了整个表演。)

3. Out of harmony:和谐不一致,常用于描述声音或音乐。

例句:The singer's voice was out of harmony with the background music, making it difficult to listen to.(歌手的嗓音和背景音乐不协调,让人难以听下去。)

4. Out of touch:脱节,常用于描述人与社会或现实之间的关系。

例句:After living in isolation for years, he felt completely out of touch with the outside world.(在孤立生活多年后,他感觉自己与外界完全脱节。)


out of sync是一个常用的形容词短语,意为两个或多个事物之间的时间、节奏或步调不一致。它可以用来描述各种不同的情况,如时间不同步、行动不协调、声音不和谐等。在写作中,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换,以增加文采和表达的多样性。


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