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leaves什么意思? leaves翻译(中文文):树叶, 花瓣 hellip



用法:作为名词时,leaves通常用来描述树木、植物或花朵上的叶子。:"The tree's leaves turned yellow in the fall."(这棵树的叶子在秋天变黄了。)作为动词时,leaves常用来表示离开某个地方或者情况。:"I have to leave for work now."(我现在得去上班了。)


1. The leaves on the trees are starting to change color.(树上的叶子开始变色了。)

leaves什么意思? leaves翻译(中文文):树叶, 花瓣 hellip

2. She carefully picked off the dead leaves from her houseplant.(她小心地摘掉了室内植物上的枯萎叶子。)

3. The book has 500 pages, but I only read the first 50 leaves.(这本书有500页,但我只读了前50页。)

4. He decided to leave his job and travel around the world.(他决定辞职并环游世界。)

5. The train will be leaving at 9 o'clock sharp.(火车将在9点整准时出发。)

同义词及用法:leaves的同义词包括foliage、greenery、fronds等,它们都可以指树木、植物或花朵上的叶子。:"The foliage in the park is beautiful in the autumn."(公园里的树叶在秋天很美。)"The greenery in the garden adds a touch of color."(花园里的绿色植物增添了一抹色彩。)"The fronds of the palm tree swayed gently in the breeze."(棕榈树的叶子在微风中轻轻摇曳。)



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