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1. 意思:bias是指一种偏见或偏爱,通常指对某个人或事物有不公平的看法或偏向。

2. 翻译:bias可以翻译为“偏见”、“偏爱”、“倾向”等。


3. 记忆:可以通过以下方式记忆这个单词:

a. 将bias拆分为bi(两个)和as(方向),表示对两种不同方向的偏见。

b. 将bias读作“拜斯”,与“白色”的发音相似,也可以帮助记忆。

4. 用法:

a. bias作为名词时,表示一种心理上的偏见或倾向。:“She has a strong bias against people from different cultures.”(她对来自不同文化背景的人有强烈的偏见。)

b. bias也可作为动词使用,表示被某种想法或情绪影响而产生偏见。:“The judge was accused of being biased in his decision.”(这位被指责在判决中有偏见。)

5. 托福例句:

a. The study shows that there is a bias against women in the workplace, as they are often paid less than men for the same job.(研究表明,职场上存在对女性的偏见,因为她们通常会因为同样的工作而获得比男性更少的薪水。)

b. The media's bias towards certain political parties has been a ic of debate for many years.(媒体对某些政党的偏爱已经成为多年来的争论话题。)

6. 雅思例句:

a. Some people believe that standardized tests are biased against certain groups of students, such as those from lower-income families.(一些人认为标准化考试对某些学生群体有偏见,比如来自低收入家庭的学生。)

b. The survey results were criticized for their bias, as the majority of respondents were from one particular region.(这项调查结果因为有偏差而受到批评,因为大多数受访者来自同一个特定地区。)


bias的音标为 /ˈbaɪəs/。


1. 名词用法:

a. 作主语:Bias can affect our decision-making process.

b. 作宾语:She was accused of having a bias against people with disabilities.

c. 作定语:The study aims to eliminate any bias in the research.

2. 动词用法:

a. 主动语态:The media is often accused of biasing public opinion.

b. 被动语态:The judge was accused of being biased in his decision.


1. Her bias against people from different cultures is evident in her comments.(她对来自不同文化背景的人有明显的偏见,这在她的评论中可以看出。)

2. The study aims to eliminate any bias in the research.(这项研究旨在消除研究中的任何偏见。)

3. The media's bias towards certain political parties has been a ic of debate for many years.(媒体对某些政党的偏爱已经成为多年来的争论话题。)

4. The survey results were criticized for their bias, as the majority of respondents were from one particular region.(这项调查结果因为有偏差而受到批评,因为大多数受访者来自同一个特定地区。)

5. Some people believe that standardized tests are biased against certain groups of students, such as those from lower-income families.(一些人认为标准化考试对某些学生群体有偏见,比如来自低收入家庭的学生。)


1. prejudice:指一种不公平或不合理的看法或态度,通常基于个人观点或偏见。

:“He has a strong prejudice against people who are not fluent in English.”(他对英语不流利的人有强烈的偏见。)

2. favoritism:指对某个人或事物的偏爱,通常是基于个人喜好或偏见。

:“The teacher was accused of showing favoritism towards certain students.”(这位老师被指责对某些学生有偏爱。)

3. discrimination:指对某个群体的不公平待遇或偏见,通常基于种族、性别、等因素。

:“The company was sued for discrimination against women in the workplace.”(这家公司因为在职场上对女性有歧视而被。)




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