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完美风暴(Perfect Storm)是指多种因素同时发生,导致极端而且难以预测的灾难性。它可以用来形容一场自然灾害,也可以用来比喻一种复杂的局面或情况。

读音:/pəˈfekt stɔrm/



例句1:The hurricane, the tornado, and the flood all hit the city at the same time, creating a perfect storm that destroyed everything in its path. (飓风、龙卷风和洪水同时袭击这座城市,形成了一场完美风暴,摧毁了一切。)

例句2:The company was already struggling financially, and then the pandemic hit. It was a perfect storm that led to their bankruptcy. (公司本已在经济上苦苦挣扎,然后又遭遇了。这是一场导致他们破产的完美风暴。)

例句3:The team was already facing injuries and internal conflicts, and then their star player got suspended. It was a perfect storm that led to their defeat in the championship game. (这支球队本就面临着伤病和内部,然后又遭遇了明星球员的停赛。这是一场导致他们在冠赛中失败的完美风暴。)

例句4:The country was already facing political turmoil, and then the natural disaster struck. It was a perfect storm that exposed the weaknesses of the government. (这个本就面临着动荡,然后又遭遇了自然灾害。这是一场暴露出弱点的完美风暴。)

例句5:The project was already behind schedule, and then several key team members quit. It was a perfect storm that caused its failure. (这个项目本就进度落后,然后又有几个关键团队成员离职。这是一场导致其失败的完美风暴。)

同义词及用法:完美风暴的近义词包括“灾难性”(catastrophic event)、“危机”(crisis)、“混乱局面”(chaotic situation)等。它们都可以用来描述类似的情境,但“完美风暴”更加生动和形象。



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