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1. 别叫醒她。她昨晚熬夜了。

Don't wake her up. She stayed up late last night.


2. 怎么读(音标)

[dɒnt weɪk hər ʌp. ʃiː steɪd ʌp leɪt lɑːst naɪt.]

3. 用法


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照

1) 我们最好不要打给她,别叫醒她。她昨晚熬夜了。

We should probably not call her, don't wake her up. She stayed up late last night.

2) 别叫醒他。他昨晚工作到很晚。

Don't wake him up. He worked until late last night.

3) 她今天早上睡过头了,别叫醒她。

She overslept this morning, don't wake her up.

4) 请记得明天早上不要敲我的门,别叫醒我。我昨晚熬夜写作业。

Please remember not to knock on my door tomorrow morning, don't wake me up. I stayed up late last night doing homework.

5) 我的妈妈今天生病了,我不想打扰她休息。别叫醒她。

My mom is sick today, I don't want to disturb her rest. Don't wake her up.

5. 同义词及用法

- 不要打扰她。她昨晚熬夜了。

Don't disturb her. She stayed up late last night.

- 别惊醒她。她昨晚熬夜了。

Don't startle her. She stayed up late last night.

- 别吵醒她。她昨晚熬夜了。

Don't wake her up with noise. She stayed up late last night.

- 别打断她的休息。她昨晚熬夜了。

Don't interrupt her rest. She stayed up late last night.

6. 编辑总结

“别叫醒她。她昨晚熬夜了。”是一句常用于提醒别人不要打扰正在休息的人的话语,特别是当对方需要休息时。它可以用于各种场合,比如提醒朋友不要给正在休息的朋友打,或者提醒家人不要敲门来打扰正在睡觉的人。它也可以作为一种礼貌的方式来表达关心和尊重他人的休息时间。在英语中,还有许多类似含义的表达方式,如“Don't disturb her”、“Don't startle him”等。使用这样的表达方式可以有效地避免打扰他人的休息,同时也体现出我们对他人的尊重和关心。


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