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假以辞色(jiǎ yǐ cí sè):指在言语中故意掩饰真实的情感或意图,用虚假的言辞来掩盖自己的本心。

How to pronounce: jiǎ yǐ cí sè


Usage: 这个成语通常用来形容人在表达时故意隐藏真实想法,用虚假的言辞来掩盖自己的本心。

Example sentences:

1. 她总是假以辞色地说自己很忙,其实她只是不想和我们一起出去。

She always says she's busy with false excuses, but she just doesn't want to go out with us.

2. 他假以辞色地赞扬了我的作品,但我能感觉到他并不喜欢它。

He praised my work with false words, but I could feel that he didn't like it.

3. 我们应该学会识别那些假以辞色的人,不要被他们欺骗。

We should learn to identify those who speak falsely and not be deceived by them.

4. 她对我的道歉只是假以辞色,其实她根本没有认错。

Her apology was just a false excuse, she didn't really admit her mistake.

5. 他总是用假话来掩饰自己的错误,这种假以辞色的行为让人很反感。

He always uses false words to cover up his mistakes, this kind of behavior of speaking falsely is very repulsive.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 掩饰 (yǎn shì zhēn xiàng): to cover up the truth

Example: 他总是用各种借口来掩饰。

He always uses various excuses to cover up the truth.

2. 虚伪 (xū wěi): hypocritical; insincere

Example: 他的表现太虚伪了,我无法相信他说的话。

His behavior is too hypocritical, I can't believe what he says.

3. 谎言 (huǎng yán): lie; falsehood

Example: 他用谎言来掩盖自己的错误,这样做是不对的。

He used lies to cover up his mistakes, which is not right.

4. 假装 (jiǎ zhuāng): pretend; feign

Example: 她总是假装很忙,其实她根本就不想帮忙。

She always pretends to be busy, but she doesn't want to help at all.

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