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A Dream of Red Mansions, a Chinese ancient chapter novel, also known as Stone Records, has been listed as the first of the four classical works in China.

It is generally believed to be written by Cao Xueqin, a writer of the Qing Dynasty.

With the rise and fall of Jia, Shi, Wang and Xue as the background, and from the perspective of Jia Baoyu, the rich prince.

the novel depicts a group of life patterns of boudoir ladies whose manners and insights are above the eyebrows, and shows the true beauty of humanity and tragedy.

It can be said that it is an epic that shows the beauty of women from all angles.

Dream of Red Mansions is a world influential human relationship novel. It is universally acknowledged as the peak of Chinese classical novel.

the Encyclopedia of Chinese feudal society and the epitome of traditional culture.








Cao Xueqin was born in Tieling, Liaoning Province. Cao Xueqin was born in Jiangning. Cao Xueqin was born in the Baiqi Baoyi family of the Qing Dynasty Interior Office.

He was the grandson of Jiangning who weaved Cao Yin and the son of Cao Yong.

In his early years, Cao Xueqin lived in Jiangning Weaving House in Nanjing, where he lived a life of rich and beautiful clothes.

Great-grandfather Cao Xi was appointed to weave in Jiangning, and great-grandmother Sun Shi was the nanny of Emperor Kangxi.

Grandfather Cao Yin was the accompanying reader of Emperor Kangxi and the former guard of Emperor Kangxi, later Jiangning weaving.

and also the imperial envoy of salt inspection in Huaihe and Huaihe provinces. He was greatly favored by Emperor Kangxi.

In Yongzheng's six years, Cao's family was convicted of a crime of deficit and was copied. Cao Xueqin moved back to his old residence in Beijing with his family.

Later, he moved to the western suburbs of Beijing and made a living selling paintings and calligraphy and relief from friends. From then on, Cao's family became weak and declining.

After experiencing a major turning point in life, Cao Xueqin was deeply impressed by the coldness of the world and had a more sober and profound understanding of the feudal society.

He despised dignitaries, stayed away from official life and lived in poverty.

Cao Xueqin is liberal in nature and has a wide range of hobbies. He has studied stone, poetry, painting, garden, traditional Chinese medicine, weaving, mending, craftsmanship, diet and so on.

With perseverance and many years of hardship, he finally created a great work of great ideological and artistic quality, Dream of Red Mansions. In his later years, Cao Xueqin moved to the western suburbs of Beijing.

In the twenty-seventh year of Emperor Qianlong's reign, his youngest son died. He was overwhelmed with grief and grief and was bedridden. On the 28th New Year's Eve of Qianlong, he died of poverty and disease.



曹雪芹早年在南京江宁织造府亲历了一段锦衣纨绔、富贵风流的生活 。曾祖父曹玺任江宁织造;曾祖母孙氏做过康熙帝的保姆。









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