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wǔ zǐ dēng kē


Meaning: the five candidates in the imperial examinations during the Tang and Song dynasties.

Pronunciation: woo dzuh duhng ker

Usage: This phrase is used to describe the performers in a particular field or competition.

Example 1: During the company's annual sales conference, the CEO recognized the five performers as the "five tigers of sales" or "wǔ zǐ dēng kē" in Chinese.

Example 2: In the Olympic swimming competition, Michael Phelps was considered one of the "five dragons of swimming" or "wǔ zǐ dēng kē" for his exceptional performance and multiple gold medals.

Example 3: The school's academic decathlon team was known as the "five stars of knowledge" or "wǔ zǐ dēng kē" for consistently winning first place in regional competitions.

Example 4: The fashion industry refers to the five designers as the "five masters of design" or "wǔ zǐ dēng kē" for their innovative and influential work.

Example 5: In Chinese culture, being one of the "five tigers of literature" or "wǔ zǐ dēng kē" was considered a great honor and brought prestige and opportunities to individuals and their families.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 五虎 (wǔ hǔ shàng jiàng): Literally meaning "the five tiger generals," this phrase is used to describe a group of powerful and influential individuals.

2. 五朵金花 (wǔ duǒ jīn huā): Translated as "the five golden flowers," this phrase is often used to describe a group of talented women.

3. 龙腾虎跃 (lóng téng hǔ yuè): Meaning "dragons soaring and tigers leaping," this phrase is used to describe a situation or event that is full of energy and excitement.

4. 五彩缤纷 (wǔ cǎi bīn fēn): Translated as "colorful and diverse," this phrase can be used to describe a group of talented individuals with different skills and abilities.

5. 五光十色 (wǔ guāng shí sè): Literally meaning "five lights, ten colors," this phrase is often used to describe a variety of talents or achievements in a particular field.

Editor's Summary:

The phrase "五子登科" originated from the imperial examination system in ancient China, where the five candidates were selected to serve in the government. Today, it is used to describe the performers in various fields, highlighting their exceptional talents and achievements. Other similar phrases such as "五虎" and "五朵金花" also convey a sense of excellence and success. In Chinese culture, being one of the "five tigers" or "five dragons" was considered a great honor and brought prestige and opportunities to individuals.


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