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读音:wǔ jūn jīng zú sān shí wàn, bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng qín dān yú




1. 五精卒三十万,百战百胜擒单于,展现了我国古代强大的实力。

Five armies with a total of 300,000 elite soldiers, after hundreds of battles, finally captured the single ruler, demonstrating the great military strength of ancient China.

2. 历经数年征战,五精卒三十万,百战百胜擒单于的故事被流传至今。

After years of battles, the story of five armies with 300,000 elite soldiers who captured the single ruler after hundreds of victories has been passed down to this day.

3. 单于骄傲自信地带领着数十万大进攻中原,却最终被五精卒三十万所擒获。

The single ruler arrogantly led his hundreds of thousands army to attack the Central Plains, but was eventually captured by the five armies with 300,000 elite soldiers.

4. 虽然敌人人数众多,但我们的五精卒三十万,百战百胜擒单于的信心从未动摇。

Although the enemy has a large number of soldiers, our confidence in the five armies with 300,000 elite soldiers who captured the single ruler after hundreds of victories has never wavered.

5. 这支五精卒三十万,百战百胜擒单于的被誉为古代最强大的之一。

This army of five armies with 300,000 elite soldiers who captured the single ruler after hundreds of victories is known as one of the strongest ancient armies.


1. 五精锐三十万,百战百胜擒单于。

2. 五勇士三十万,百战不殆擒单于。

3. 五勇猛三十万,屡建奇功擒单于。




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