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五十步笑百步是一个常用的成语,意思是指在同一错误中,较小的错误嘲笑较大的错误。读音为wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù。





1. 当小明批评小红学习不认真时,小红反问道:“你不也是一样吗?五十步笑百步!”

When Xiaoming criticized Xiaohong for not studying hard, Xiaohong retorted, "Aren't you the same? It's like the pot calling the kettle black!"

2. 他总是喜欢挑剔别人的缺点,却从来不检讨自己,真是五十步笑百步。

He always likes to pick on other people's flaws, but never reflects on himself. He's really like the pot calling the kettle black.

3. 两个政党互相攻击对方的,却忽略了自己的问题,这就是典型的五十步笑百步。

Two political parties attacking each other's policies while ignoring their own problems is a typical case of "the pot calling the kettle black."

4. 老师总是要求学生认真做作业,却自己从来不检查,真是五十步笑百步。

The teacher always demands that students do their homework seriously, but never checks it himself. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

5. 他们两个都犯了同样的错误,却互相指责,真是五十步笑百步。

They both made the same mistake, yet they blame each other. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.


1. 指鹿为马(zhǐ lù wéi mǎ):原指赵高欺骗秦始皇,把鹿说成马,后用来比喻颠倒黑白、混淆是非。与“五十步笑百步”意思相同。

2. 谁也逃不过谁(shéi yě táo bú guò shéi):形容人们在同一错误中互相指责,却不自知自己也犯有同样的错误。与“五十步笑百步”的意思相近。

3. 倒打一耙(dǎo dǎ yī pá):比喻被人冤枉或受到报复时反过来反击。与“五十步笑百步”类似。




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