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[ɑn səˈkjʊərətiz lɔː ˌriːvaɪzˈmɛnt tu pərˈfɛkt ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən di]




1. The On_Securities_Law_Revisement_to_Perfect_Information_Di aims to improve the information disclosure system, protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and promote the healthy and stable development of the securities market.(《证券法修订案》旨在完善信息披露制度,保护投资者合法权益,促进证券市场健康稳定发展。)

2. The On_Securities_Law_Revisement_to_Perfect_Information_Di was officially implemented on March 1, 2020, and it has played an important role in maintaining the stability of the securities market and protecting the rights and interests of investors.(《证券法修订案》于2020年3月1日正式实施,它在维护证券市场稳定和保护投资者权益方面发挥了重要作用。)

3. With the implementation of the On_Securities_Law_Revisement_to_Perfect_Information_Di, listed companies are required to disclose information in a timely, accurate, and complete manner, which will strengthen the transparency of the securities market.(随着《证券法修订案》的实施,上市公司被要求及时、准确、完整地披露信息,这将加强证券市场的透明度。)

4. The On_Securities_Law_Revisement_to_Perfect_Information_Di also introduces stricter penalties for violations of information disclosure regulations, aiming to improve the credibility and integrity of listed companies and protect investors' interests.(《证券法修订案》还对违反信息披露规定的行为引入了更严厉的处罚措施,旨在提高上市公司的信誉和诚信度,并保护投资者的利益。)

5. As an important part of China's legal system, the On_Securities_Law_Revisement_to_Perfect_Information_Di has played a significant role in promoting the healthy and stable development of the securities market and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors.(作为法律体系的重要组成部分,《证券法修订案》在促进证券市场健康稳定发展和维护投资者合法权益方面发挥了重要作用。)


1. Securities Law Revision to Improve Information Disclosure Di

2. Amendment to Securities Law for Perfect Information Disclosure

3. Securities Law Modification for Better Information Transparency

4. Securities Law Revision for Enhanced Investor Protection

5. Reform of Securities Law to Strengthen Market Stability




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