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怎么读(音标):ɒn sɪˈkjʊərɪtiz lɔː rɪˈvaɪzment tuː pəˈfekt ɪnfərˈmeɪʃən


用法:On Securities Law Revisement to Perfect Information是指对现行证券法进行修订,以完善信息披露制度,保障投资者的合法权益。

例句1:The government has announced an On Securities Law Revisement to Perfect Information, which aims to enhance transparency and protect investors' rights. (宣布了一项证券法修订完善信息的措施,旨在提高透明度,保护投资者的权益。)

例句2:The On Securities Law Revisement to Perfect Information will require all listed companies to disclose their financial information on a regular basis.(证券法修订完善信息将要求所有上市公司定期披露财务信息。)

例句3:Investors have welcomed the On Securities Law Revisement to Perfect Information, believing it will create a fair and transparent market environment.(投资者欢迎这项证券法修订完善信息,相信它将打造公平透明的市场环境。)

例句4:The new regulations under the On Securities Law Revisement to Perfect Information will impose stricter penalties for insider trading.(在证券法修订完善信息的新规定下,内幕交易将受到更严厉的处罚。)

例句5:The On Securities Law Revisement to Perfect Information is a significant step towards promoting the healthy development of the securities market.(证券法修订完善信息是促进证券市场健康发展的重要一步。)


1. Securities Law Amendment for Information Disclosure(信息披露证券法修正案)

2. Securities Law Revision for Transparency(透明度证券法修订)

3. Securities Law Reform for Investor Protection(投资者保护证券法改革)

4. Securities Law Update for Market Fairness(市场公平性证券法更新)

5. Securities Law Enhancement for Regulatory Compliance(监管合规性证券法增强)

编辑总结:On Securities Law Revisement to Perfect Information旨在通过对现行证券法进行修订,以完善信息披露制度,保障投资者的合法权益。这项措施将有助于提高市场透明度、促进公平竞争环境,并加强对违规行为的惩罚力度,从而推动证券市场健康发展。同义词包括Securities Law Amendment for Information Disclosure、Securities Law Revision for Transparency、Securities Law Reform for Investor Protection等,它们都指向同一目标——保障投资者权益,促进市场健康发展。


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