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run around中文翻译,run around是什么意思,run around发音、用法及例句

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run around中文意思翻译


 run around中文翻译,run around是什么意思,run around发音、用法及例句



run around双语使用场景

1、Joe: Well, on a long run around 25 kilometers per liter at 110 kph.───乔伊: 嗯, 以跑长途来说,在时速一百一十公里下,每公升汽油可以跑25公里左右.

2、Swing out a little bit when you run around the base.───当你绕着垒跑的时候,稍微向外侧身.

3、I had to run around to several shops to get that wrench.───我跑了好几家商店,才找到那种扳手.

4、Don't give me the run - around.───不要敷衍我.

5、They run around and talk and show off too much.───他们到处跑来跑去,吹牛,夸耀自己.

6、Li, who began his 300 - metre run around 10 a.m.───李在早上10点开始了他的300米火炬接力跑.

7、On returning I took a run around the campus.───回来时,我在校园跑了一圈.

8、They love to run around on the playground.───他们喜欢在操场上跑来跑去。

9、Toddlers like to run around the house bare naked.───刚会走路的孩子喜欢光着脚在房子周围跑来跑去.

10、You know better than to run around like that. Now go wash your hands, please.───“你应该知道不准那样在家里面跑吧. 现在去洗手. ”

11、He used to run around with a bad crowd.───他过去一些坏人为伍.

12、The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out.───这些年轻人四处跑动踢球,把自己弄得筋疲力尽。

13、Run around this bombed - out backwater with a silver key up our tokhes?───把那个银色的钥匙挂在屁股上,沿着这个无聊的死水航行?

14、you always run around the same circuit?───你总是沿着同一环行道跑步吗?

15、At 18 stone, I can't run around the way I used to. There again, some people say I never did.───我现在体重18英石,不能像从前那样跑来跑去了;不过有人说我以前就跑不动。

16、The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out.───年轻人跑来跑去踢着球,把自己弄得精疲力竭。

17、Our teacher made us run around the track ten times!───我们的老师叫我们绕着跑道跑十圈!

18、Shall we run around the park or a bike ride?───我们是绕着公园跑,还是骑车兜兜风?

run around相似词语短语

1、ran around───与异**往

2、ring around───环状珠;环呼

3、hung around───闲荡(hung是hang的过去式和过去分词)


5、rang around───环状珠;环呼


7、run aground───v.搁浅

8、runs around───东奔西跑;(特指孩子)到处玩耍游逛

9、rung around───环状珠;环呼





Once there, you can run over him.


But his only subject is run around with me.


If you run.



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