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belonging to中文翻译,belonging to是什么意思,belonging to发音、用法及例句

belonging to发音

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belonging to中文意思翻译


 belonging to中文翻译,belonging to是什么意思,belonging to发音、用法及例句

属于(belong to的现在分词)


belonging to双语使用场景

1、The unsuccessful crosses involved two species belonging to different series.───未成功的杂交组合都属非同族的两个种.

2、She became only the more gracious to Foker: she praised him, and everything belonging to him.───她反而对福克大献殷勤, 竭力奉承他和他的一切.

3、I was below deck, " he said, "a bunch of bananas belonging to other passengers helped me float until I found a lifeboat."───我当时在甲板下面,”他说,“其他乘客带上船的一大串香蕉都帮助我一直飘浮在水面上,直到我发现一个救生船。”

4、The pathogens were fungi belonging to Ascomycotina and Deuteromycotina.───病原菌主要是子囊菌亚门和半知菌亚门的真菌.

5、The agency impounded film belonging to news organizations.───宇航局没收了新闻单位的胶卷.

6、Pratt has forgotten something belonging to the baby.───普拉特忘记带了孩子的某样东西.

7、Here's Wang Er to bear witness , you haven't touched a single thing belonging to the Caos. "───这不是当着王二, 你一草一木也没动曹宅的!走吧.

8、She could hardly believe that Wildeve would really appropriate money belonging to her son.───她觉得韦狄仿佛不至于会当真把她儿子的钱自己搂起来.

9、Some enterprises owned by the whole people employ workers and staff originally belonging to collective enterprises.───全民所有制企业里有集体所有制职工.

10、Are nothing but words, perhaps belonging to a language already dead.───只不过是字, 或许属于一种早已死去的语言.

11、We look upon you as belonging to the family.───我们把你当作家人.

12、They feel deeply the honour of belonging to the Senate.───他们为作为参议院的成员而深感荣幸.

13、Individuals were tied together by belonging to the same group.───个人通过属于同一群体而联系在一起.

14、He is belonging to the working class.───他属于工人阶级.

15、In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class.───很多情况下,人们的穿着显示出他们的社会阶级。

16、They looked upon us as belonging to the family.───他们把我们作自家人看待.

17、This is a collective enterprise, belonging to the production team.───这里曾经是一家社队企业, 属于生产大队所有.

18、over ninety species of pufferfish all belonging to the family Tetraodontidae.───鲀科族里共有超过90个河豚鱼种类。

belonging to相似词语短语


2、;inging to───使恢复知觉;停船

3、looking to───v.注意;指望;照看

4、belong to───属于


6、be going to───将要;打算

7、be nothing to───conj.不能与…相比;对…无足轻重


9、be gagging to───对


The house belonging to my grandfather is large.我祖父的房子很大。Asisknowntousall,Chinaisadevelopingcountrybelongingto thethirdworld.我们都知道,中国是第三世界的发展中国家。


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