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living habits中文翻译,living habits是什么意思,living habits发音、用法及例句

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 living habits中文翻译,living habits是什么意思,living habits发音、用法及例句

living habits双语使用场景

1、Due to long-term alcohol abuse and unhealthy living habits, Yang Xue, poor health, could not pass a few minutes going to the toilet.───由于长期酗酒等不良生活习惯,杨学华的身体很差,过不了几分钟就要去一次洗手间。

2、living habits: a normal lifestyle and regular people to be able to do something serious about the principle.───生活习惯:一个生活习惯正常而有规律的人,才能够做事认真讲原则。

3、He was one of the authors of a 2001 study that had 12 confirmed short sleepers and 12 control subjects keep diaries and complete numerous questionnaires about their work, sleep and living habits.───他是2001年的一项研究的作者之一,该项研究有12位确定的短睡者及12位对照受试者,让他们坚持写日记,并就其工作、生活和习惯完成若干份问卷调查。

4、Meanwhile, we are also concerned about unhealthy living habits, physical health, psychological health of the relationship and interactions.───同时,我们还关注不良生活习惯、生理健康情况、心理健康情况等的相关关系和交互作用。

5、I think this [resumption] is really necessary, because people's living habits are very bad now.───我认为这次恢复非常必要,因为现在人们的生活习惯越来越坏了。

6、While cancer types reflect living habits of individuals, diagnosis and treatment test the medical capacity of a country.───癌症反应出个人的生活习惯,而诊断和医疗则检验一个国家的医学水平。

7、Since the reform and opening up, chinese rapid economic development, so that the modes of production and living habits changed dramatically.───改革开放以来,我国经济快速发展,使人们的生产方式、生活习惯发生巨大变化。

8、Aging is an irresistible law of the nature, but here are a few reasonable living habits which can help you to slow down the pace of aging.───衰老是不可抗拒的自然规律,但以下几条合理的生活习惯却可以让衰老的脚步放缓。

living habits相似词语短语

1、riding habits───女骑手服;女骑装

2、viewing habits───观看习惯,浏览习惯

3、eating habits───饮食习惯

4、listening habits───倾听习惯

5、sleeping habits───睡眠习惯

6、drinking habits───饮酒习惯

7、riding habit───女骑手服;女骑装

what are good living habits?

这是一个以疑问代词what引导的特殊疑问句,意思是问什么是好的生活习惯?句中形容词good意思是好, living是现代分词做定语,修饰名词habits,living habits意思是生活习惯。这个问题的答案有很多,如:1、 Getting up early and going to sleep early.早起早睡。

2、 Eating more healthy food and take more exercise.多吃健康食品多做运动等。


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