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break free什么意思中文(break free中文翻译,break free是什么意思,break free发音、用法及例句)

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 break free什么意思中文(break free中文翻译,break free是什么意思,break free发音、用法及例句)

break free中文意思翻译




break free双语使用场景

1、Icebergs are created when chunks of pack ice break free and float off into open sea.───当大块积冰断裂、漂浮至远海的时候,冰山就形成了.

2、Itching to break free, I broke down those and stepped out into the desert of life.───我渴望挣脱牢笼, 打碎那自我束缚的樊篱,走进生活的沙漠.

3、Sometimes, I imagined their souls to open the body can break free.───有的时候, 我会幻想着自己的灵魂可以挣脱开肉体.

4、We break free from our mortal bonds.───我们打破致死的束缚而获得自由.

5、We'll be bound together tightly For we're naught if we break free.───我们紧紧地绑在一起,如果打乱了顺序就会互不相关.

6、Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high.───让自己陷入情网, 让自己跳出情网,让自己看得更高更远.

7、Women Who think Too Much: How to Break Free of Overthinking and Reclaim Your Life.───考虑太多的女人:如何突破反思,挽救您的生活》一书的作者。

8、We break free from our mortal bonds , and with a wave of magic wands.───我们挥舞手中的魔棒, 找到新的自由.

9、How did I ever break free from that provincialism imposed by an academic elitist?───我怎样才能打破这个学院派精英强加在我身上的这种地方偏见 呢 ?

10、Others are born live , after struggling to break free from a membranous egg sac.───其余的是冲破膜状蛋囊而出生的.

11、He finally managed to break free from his attacker.───他终于设法摆脱了袭击他的人。

12、Let yourself fall in love, then break free and set your sights high.───放手去爱吧, 然后解放自己,存志于高原.

13、We break free from our mortal bonds and with a ware of magic wands.───我们将自己从牢狱中解脱,随着魔杖的挥舞.

14、Frightened, Raven pulled hard on the line, but still he could not break free.───乌鸦开始害怕起来,它只有更加用力地拉拽,企图能挣脱鱼线,可是却无济于事。

15、Let yourself fall in love, break free , and set your sights hight.───让自己陷入情网, 让自己冲破樊篱,让自己看得更高.

16、Can we break free from chains of never - ending agony?───我们能否从永不结束的痛苦枷锁中打破自由?

17、Quickly break free and run out the old goat.───老色鬼连忙挣脱向外就跑.

18、I have to try to break free from the thoughts in my mind.───我要试图打破免费从思想,在我心目中.

break free相似词语短语

1、;eathe freely───透气;安心

2、;eak evens───不赚不赔;并列起跑;打成平手

3、;eak of serve───发球中断

4、;eak dance───霹雳舞

5、;eak cover───从隐藏处跳出来

6、;eak even───不赚不赔;并列起跑;打成平手

7、;eak bread───v.进餐

8、;eak a leg───祝好运;大获成功(用于祝愿演员演出成功)

9、;eak step───乱了步伐

大家给个建议 李宁3DBreakFree80TF羽毛球拍 和80TD 那个更适合



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