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son of bitch翻译(son of bitch中文翻译,son of bitch是什么意思,son of bitch发音、用法及例句)

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son of bitch中文意思翻译



 son of bitch翻译(son of bitch中文翻译,son of bitch是什么意思,son of bitch发音、用法及例句)

son of bitch双语使用场景

1、Or just swore to your coworker, you son of bitch?───刚刚对同事说:你这狗娘养的?

2、He rushed out, slamming the door behind him, yelling: son of bitch.───他冲了出去,嘭得关上了门,叫着:狗娘养的。

3、If I were a dog , you should be the son of bitch! !───如果我是一条狗,你就是狗娘养的!

4、Love is kiss, embrace and sweet words. but is falsehood . son of bitch.───爱是接吻,拥抱,和甜言蜜语,其实是狗屎,谎言,婊子养的土狗。

5、so, better think long and hard, before you say another word. you son of bitch.───所以,你最好在说话之前三思,龟儿子。

6、I'll do whatever i can to help you nail that son of bitch.───我会尽我所能去帮你们抓住那个狗娘养的

son of bitch相似词语短语


2、to outbitch───比婊子强

3、sons of bitches───婊子养的;狗崽子


5、son of a bitch───婊子养的,极坏的人;讨厌的工作

6、Rann of Cutch───卡奇沼泽地



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