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四大皆空(si da jie kong)读音读法:

四大皆空(si da jie kong)这个词汇在汉语中的发音为“sì dà jiē kōng”,其中“四”读作“sì”,“大”读作“dà”,“皆”读作“jiē”,“空”读作“kōng”。


1. 徒常常提及四大皆空,以提醒自己不要执著于世间万物。

2. 在修行过程中,学习理解和体会四大皆空是非常重要的。

3. 四大皆空也被用来解释生死轮回和人生苦难等问题。

4. 通过认识到一切现象都是虚幻和无常的,可以帮助人们摆脱烦恼和苦难。

5. 四大皆空也被用来指导人们如何正确看待财富、名誉和爱情等世俗欲望。


1. 四大皆空观:指徒通过修行和思考,认识到一切现象都是虚幻和无常的过程。

2. 四大皆空经:中关于四大皆空的经典著作,如《般若波罗蜜多心经》、《金刚经》等。

3. 四大皆空理论:中关于四大皆空的基本理论,也是佛法中最具有特色和深刻意义的概念之一。

4. 四大皆空思想:指徒通过学习和体会四大皆空,来认识世间万物的虚幻性和无常性的思想。

5. 四大皆空境界:指通过修行和领悟,达到了对一切现象都是虚幻和无常的境界。


四大皆空(si da jie kong)- all phenomena are empty

四 - four

大 - great

皆 - all

空 - empty


四大皆空(si da jie kong)- sì dà jiē kōng


1. Buddhists often mention the concept of "four great emptiness" to remind themselves not to be attached to worldly things.

2. Understanding and experiencing the concept of "four great emptiness" is crucial in the process of cultivation.

3. The concept of "four great emptiness" is also used to explain issues such as reincarnation and suffering in life.

4. By realizing that all phenomena are illusory and impermanent, one can free themselves from worries and suffering.

5. The idea of "four great emptiness" also guides people on how to properly view worldly desires such as wealth, fame, and love.


1. The view of "four great emptiness": refers to Buddhists' understanding of the illusory and impermanent nature of all phenomena through cultivation and contemplation.

2. The scripture of "four great emptiness": the classic Buddhist works on the concept of "four great emptiness," such as the Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, etc.

3. The theory of "four great emptiness": the fundamental theory about the concept of "four great emptiness" in Buddhism, which is also one of the most distinctive and profound ideas in Buddhism.

4. The idea of "four great emptiness": refers to Buddhists' thoughts on understanding the illusory and impermanent nature of all phenomena through learning and contemplation.

5. The state of "four great emptiness": refers to reaching a state where one understands that all phenomena are illusory and impermanent through cultivation and realization.



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