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1. 刺柏是一种常绿乔木,属于柏科植物。它的学名是Juniperus sabina,又名蚊母树、刺柏子、矮刺柏等。它的树干笔直,树枝伸展,枝叶茂密。刺柏主要分布在我国东北、华北和西南地区。

2. 刺柏的特点是具有强烈的抗寒能力和适应性。它可以生长在海拔2000米以上的高寒地区,也可以生长在海拔1000米以下的温暖地区。它喜欢阳光充足、气候湿润的环境,对土壤要求不严格,可以生长在瘠薄的土地上。

3. 刺柏是一种耐旱、耐寒、耐盐碱和抗风沙能力强的树种。它能够有效保护土壤,防止水土流失,对改善环境起着重要作用。此外,刺柏还具有药用价值,在中医药中被用作清热解毒、祛风止痛的药材。

4. 读音读法:cì bǎi(普通话)

5. 刺柏的用例:




6. 刺柏是什么树?刺柏的特点和生长环境中英文对照:


What kind of tree is juniper?


Features and Growth Environment of Juniper


Pronunciation: cì bǎi (Mandarin Chinese)



(1) Juniper is widely used as a drought-resistant tree in shelterbelts, scenic forests, and green belts.

(2) The fruit of juniper can be used as a spice and for medicinal purposes.

(3) The bark of juniper can be extracted to produce natural resin, which is used in perfumes and soaps.


Related words:

抗旱 (drought-resistant)

药材 (medicinal herbs)

防护林 (shelterbelt)

调味 (seasoning)

天然树脂 (natural resin)


Chinese-English Comparison:

刺柏 (juniper)

特点 (features)

生长环境 (growth environment)

抗寒能力 (cold resistance)

适应性 (adaptability)

耐旱 (drought-resistant)

耐盐碱 (salt-alkali tolerant)

抗风沙能力 (wind and sand resistance)

In conclusion, juniper is a fascinating tree that possesses remarkable characteristics such as cold-resistance and adaptability. Its resilience against drought, cold, and wind make it a valuable species for maintaining soil health and enhancing the environment. Additionally, its fruit, bark, and resin have multiple practical applications in the realms of cooking, medicine, and cosmetics. Overall, juniper is truly a versatile and essential tree that deserves our admiration and appreciation.


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