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2.回暖的读音为huí nuǎn,读作“hway nwan”。


(1) 近年来,全球气候变化加剧,导致北极地区冰盖融化速度加快,夏季海洋水域出现大片蓝色海水。但是随着天气转凉,北极地区将会迎来一轮回暖。

(2) 长江流域近期出现大范围降雨天气,这也标志着夏季高温已经结束,进入了秋季回暖阶段。

(3) 据气象部门预测,今年冬季我国南方地区将会出现持续性降雨天气,但是随着春季的到来,气温将会逐步回暖。


(1) 气候回暖:指气候由寒冷状态转变为温暖状态的过程。

(2) 经济回暖:指经济活动由低迷状态转变为活跃状态的过程。

(3) 回暖期:指气温或经济活动开始向好的阶段。

(4) 回暖趋势:指气温或经济活动出现积极向上的发展趋势。

(5) 回暖预期:指对未来气温或经济发展趋势的预测。



What does "回暖" mean? Explanation and usage of "回暖".

1. 回暖是指气候或经济等出现由低温或低迷状态转变为相对温暖或活跃的过程。

"回暖" refers to the process where the climate or economy changes from a cold or sluggish state to a relatively warm or active state.

2. 在气候方面,回暖通常指寒冷的冬季逐渐转变为较为温暖的春季,也可以指气温由低点开始逐渐上升。

In terms of climate, "回暖" usually refers to the gradual transition from a cold winter to a warmer spring, or the gradual rise in temperature from a low point.

3. 在经济方面,回暖通常指经济活动由低迷状态开始逐步恢复,出现积极向上的趋势。

In terms of economy, "回暖" usually refers to the gradual recovery of economic activities from a sluggish state and the emergence of positive trends.

4. 回暖的读音为huí nuǎn,读作“hway nwan”。

The pronunciation of "回暖" is huí nuǎn, pronounced as "hway nwan".

5. 回暖在气候方面的用例:

Examples of "回暖" in terms of climate:

(1) In recent years, global climate change has intensified, leading to faster melting of ice caps in the Arctic and large areas of blue seawater in summer. However, with the weather turning cooler, the Arctic will welcome a new round of warming.

(2) The Yangtze River Basin has experienced widespread rainfall recently, marking the end of hot summer and the beginning of a warm autumn.

(3) According to meteorological forecast, there will be continuous rainfall in southern China this winter. But with the arrival of spring, temperatures will gradually warm up.

6. 回暖的组词:

Words related to "回暖":

(1) 气候回暖 (qì hòu huí nuǎn): refers to the process where the climate changes from cold to warm.

(2) 经济回暖 (jīng jì huí nuǎn): refers to the process where economic activities become active from a sluggish state.

(3) 回暖期 (huí nuǎn qī): refers to the stage where temperatures or economic activities start to improve.

(4) 回暖趋势 (huí nuǎn qū shì): refers to the trend of positive development in temperatures or economic activities.

(5) 回暖预期 (huí nuǎn yù qī): refers to the prediction of future temperature or economic development trends.

7. 回暖是什么意思?回暖的解释与用法的中英文对照总结:

Summary of "What does '回暖' mean? Explanation and usage of '回暖'."

"回暖" means the process where the climate or economy changes from a cold or sluggish state to a relatively warm or active state. In terms of climate, it usually refers to the transition from winter to spring, or the gradual rise in temperature. In terms of economy, it usually refers to the recovery from a sluggish state and the emergence of positive trends. The pronunciation is huí nuǎn, read as "hway nwan". Some related words include 气候回暖 (climate warming), 经济回暖 (economic recovery), and 回暖预期 (expectation for warming).


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