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读音:jiē chéng gōng shì




Example 1: Xiao Ming has 5 clothes to wear and he wants to know how many ways he can dress up today. According to the principle of permutation and combination, he can calculate that there are a total of 120 possible combinations using the formula 5!.


Example 2: In statistics, we often use the factorial formula to calculate probability distribution functions. For example, in a dice game, we can use 6! to calculate the probability of each number appearing.


Example 3: Permutation and combination problems can also be solved using the factorial formula. For instance, Xiao Ming has 4 different books and 3 different pens, and he wants to know how many different study tools he can make using these items. According to the principle of permutation and combination, he can calculate that there are a total of 35 different combinations using the formula 7!/(4!×3!).


Example 4: In mathematical statistics, we often encounter problems where we need to calculate the factorial formula. For instance, if we want to find out the value of 10!, which is equal to 10×9×8×...×1=3628800.


Example 5: The factorial formula can also be used to calculate complex probability problems. For instance, in a game of poker, if we want to know how many possible combinations of card types there are when randomly drawing 5 cards from a deck of 52 cards, we can use the formula 52!/47! to calculate that there are a total of 2598960 different combinations.




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