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will do是什么意思,will do的翻译,will do音标、读音、用

will do是什么意思

will do是一个英文短语,表示愿意或者会做某事。它可以作为一种回答,表示接受或者同意对方的请求或者建议。也可以作为一种承诺,表示自己会去做某件事情。

will do的翻译

will do可以直接翻译为“会做”、“愿意”、“答应”等含义。在不同的语境下,也可以根据具体的意思进行灵活翻译。

will do是什么意思,will do的翻译,will do音标、读音、用

will do音标、读音

音标:[wɪl duː]

读音:威尔 杜(doo)


1. 作为回答,表示接受或者同意对方的请求或者建议。

- Can you help me with this task?

- Sure, will do. (当然,我会帮你的。)

- Could you pass me the salt?

- Yes, will do. (好的,我会给你盐。)

2. 作为承诺,表示自己会去做某件事情。

- I need someone to pick up my package from the post office.

- I will do it for you. (我来帮你取包裹。)

3. 也可以用于表达自己愿意或者乐于做某件事情。

- Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?

- Yes, will do. (好啊,我很愿意参加。)

4. 在商务场合,也可以用来表示同意某项协议或者安排。

- We have a meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

- Will that time work for you?

- Yes, will do. (好的,我会在明天早上10点准时参加。)


1. I need someone to take care of my dog while I'm away this weekend.


2. Could you please help me with this heavy box?


3. We need to finish this project by the end of the week.


4. Can you make sure all the guests have received their invitations?


5. The boss asked if anyone could stay late to finish the report.



1. Can do: 与will do意思相同,表示愿意或者能够做某事。

- Can you help me with my presentation?

- Yes, can do. (没问题,我可以帮你。)

2. Be happy to: 表示乐意做某事。

- Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?

- I would be happy to! (当然愿意!)

3. Ready to: 表示准备好去做某事。

- Are you ready to leave for the airport?

- Yes, I am. (是的,我准备好了。)

4. Willing to: 表示愿意做某事。

- Would you be willing to help me with this project?

- Of course, I am willing to help. (当然愿意帮忙。)


will do是一个常用的英文短语,表示愿意或者会做某事。它可以作为一种回答,表示接受或者同意对方的请求或者建议;也可以作为一种承诺,表示自己会去做某件事情。在商务场合中,也可以用来表示同意某项协议或者安排。除了will do之外,还有一些近义词可以表达类似的意思,如can do、be happy to、ready to、willing to等。在使用时需要根据具体的语境选择合适的表达方式。


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