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willful什么意思? willful翻译(中文文):任性的, 故意的


willful什么意思? willful翻译(中文文):任性的, 故意的



1. She is a willful child who always does the opposite of what she is told. 她是一个任性的孩子,总是做与别人相反的事情。

2. He made a willful decision to quit his job and travel around the world. 他做出了一个故意的决定,辞掉工作去环游世界。

3. The company's willful disregard for safety regulations led to a serious accident. 公司对安全规定的故意漠视导致了一起严重事故。

4. The judge accused the defendant of willful negligence in handling the case. 指责被告在处理案件时有故意疏忽之嫌。

5. He was punished for his willful disobedience to his parents' rules. 他因为违抗父母的规定而受到惩罚。

同义词及用法:deliberate, intentional, purposeful, stubborn, headstrong

deliberate 指经过深思熟虑后做出的决定或行为,通常带有积极的含义。

intentional 指有意识地做出的行为,可以是好的也可以是坏的。

purposeful 指有明确目的或意图的行为,通常带有积极的含义。

stubborn 指固执地坚持己见,不易被说服或改变。

headstrong 指固执地追求自己的目标,不受他人影响。



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