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take over是什么意思? take over翻译(中文文):把从一地


take over是什么意思? take over翻译(中文文):把从一地

一、take over是什么意思?

take over是一个动词短语,意为“接管、接手、接替”,通常用来描述一个人或组织接管另一个人或组织的职责、权力或权。


[teɪk ˈoʊvər]


1. take over作为动词短语,可以接受宾语。:

- He will take over the company from his father next year.(明年他将从父亲手中接管公司。)

- The new manager will take over the team starting from next month.(新经理将从下个月开始接管这个团队。)

2. take over也可以作为名词短语,意为“接管”、“权转移”。:

- The takeover of the company was completed last week.(公司的接管在上周完成了。)

- The government is planning to launch a takeover of the struggling airline.(计划对这家陷入困境的航空公司进行接管。)

3. take over还可以用于表示某物取代或替代另一物的位置、角色或职责。:

- The new technology has taken over traditional methods in many industries.(新技术已经在许多行业取代了传统方法。)

- The new team has taken over the responsibility of organizing the event.(这个新团队已经接手组织这次活动的责任。)

4. take over也可以用于表示某人或某物或占据另一人或物的位置。:

- The enemy forces have taken over the city.(敌已经占领了这座城市。)

- The virus has taken over his body and he is now in critical condition.(病毒已经攻占了他的身体,他现在情况危急。)


1. He will take over the company from his father next year.


2. The takeover of the company was completed last week.


3. The new technology has taken over traditional methods in many industries.


4. The enemy forces have taken over the city.


5. The virus has taken over his body and he is now in critical condition.



1. assume:意为“假设、承担”,也可以表示“接管”、“权转移”。:

- The new CEO will assume control of the company next month.(新任CEO将于下个月接管公司权。)

- Let's assume that the project will be completed on time.(假设这个项目会按时完成。)

2. take charge of:意为“负责、掌管”,也可以表示“接管”。:

- She will take charge of the sales department from next week.(从下周开始她将负责销售部门。)

- The new manager took charge of the project after the previous one left.(前任经理离职后,这位新经理接管了这个项目。)

3. take up:意为“占据、从事、开始进行”,也可以表示“接管”。:

- The new team will take up their positions in the company starting from next month.(新团队将从下个月开始在公司就职。)

- The government has decided to take up control of the struggling airline.(已决定接管这家陷入困境的航空公司。)


take over是一个常用的动词短语,意为“接管、接手、接替”,通常用来描述一个人或组织接管另一个人或组织的职责、权力或权。它还可以表示某物取代或替代另一物的位置、角色或职责,以及某人或某物或占据另一人或物的位置。除了作为动词短语,take over也可以作为名词短语使用。同义词包括assume、take charge of和take up。在写作时,需要根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来表达“接管”的含义。


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