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shut up什么意思? shut up翻译(中文文):关闭, 关上的全

一:shut up的意思是指关闭或关上某物,通常用于指关闭门窗、水龙头等。

shut up什么意思? shut up翻译(中文文):关闭, 关上的全

二:读音为/ʃʌt ʌp/。

三:shut up作为一个动词短语,有两种用法。第一种用法是指关闭或关上某物,如“Please shut up the door when you leave.”(请在离开时关上门。)第二种用法是指停止说话或保持安静,如“Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate.”(闭嘴,我正在专心做事。)

四:1. Please shut up the window before you leave.(请在离开前把窗户关上。)

2. I couldn't sleep because my neighbor's dog wouldn't shut up all night.(因为邻居的狗整晚都不停地叫,我无法入睡。)

3. My computer shut up unexpectedly while I was working on an important document.(我正在处理重要文件时,电脑突然关机了。)

4. The teacher had to tell the students to shut up several times before they finally quieted down.(老师不得不多次让学生保持安静才最终安静下来。)

5. He always shuts himself up in his room whenever he's upset.(每次他心情不好时都会把自己关在房间里。)

五:shut up的同义词包括close, seal, clasp等,它们也可以用来表示关闭或关上某物。而作为表示停止说话或保持安静的短语,也可以用be quiet, keep quiet, hush等来替代。:

1. Please close the window before you leave.(请在离开前把窗户关上。)

2. I couldn't sleep because my neighbor's dog wouldn't s barking all night.(因为邻居的狗整晚都不停地叫,我无法入睡。)

3. My computer unexpectedly turned off while I was working on an important document.(我正在处理重要文件时,电脑突然关机了。)

4. The teacher had to tell the students to be quiet several times before they finally quieted down.(老师不得不多次让学生保持安静才最终安静下来。)

5. He always locks himself in his room whenever he's upset.(每次他心情不好时都会把自己关在房间里。)

六:总的来说,shut up是一个常用的动词短语,它既可以表示关闭某物,也可以表示停止说话或保持安静。在日常生活中经常会遇到这个词组,因此掌握它的意思和用法对于提高英语表达能力很有帮助。同时,在使用时也要注意场合和语气,避免给人造成冒犯或粗鲁的印象。


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