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shut out是什么意思? shut out翻译(中文文):关在外面,

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shut out是什么意思? shut out翻译(中文文):关在外面,

用法:shut out是一个动词短语,意为“把……关在外面”,通常用来指某人或某物被排除在外,无法进入或参与。


1. The teacher shut the late student out of the classroom. 老师把迟到的学生关在了教室外。

2. The company shut out all potential compes by offering the lowest price. 这家公司通过提供最低的价格,把所有潜在的竞争对手都排除在外。

3. The loud music shut out all other sounds in the room. 响亮的音乐把房间里其他的声音都掩盖了。

4. The closed door shut out the cold wind from entering the room. 关上的门阻止了寒风进入房间。

5. She felt shut out from her friends when they sped inviting her to outings. 当朋友们不再邀请她出去时,她感到被排除在外。


1. Exclude:与shut out意思相近,也表示“排除”,但更多指将某人或某物从范围内完全剔除出去。:She was excluded from the team because of her poor performance.

2. Ban:表示“”,通常指或权威做出决定某人或某物。:The government has banned smoking in public places.

3. Bar:也可以表示“”,但更多指通过物理障碍来阻止某人或某物进入。:The bouncer barred the drunk man from entering the club.

4. Shut off:与shut out意思相近,也表示“关闭”或“隔绝”,但更多指将某物与外界完全隔绝。:She shut off her phone to avoid any distractions while studying.

5. Keep out:与shut out意思相近,也表示“阻止进入”,但更多指通过门、窗等来阻止某人或某物进入。:Please keep out of my room while I'm working.


shut out是一个常用的动词短语,意为“把……关在外面”,通常用来指排除某人或某物无法进入或参与。它可以作为及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词使用。除了基本的意思外,它还有一些近义词,如exclude、ban、bar、shut off和keep out等。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来表达想要的含义。


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