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rule out什么意思? rule out翻译(中文文):划去, 排除,

怎么读(音标):[ruːl aʊt]

用法:Rule out可以表示“排除,不考虑”等含义,常用于否定句中。也可以表示“划去,删除”等含义。


1. The doctor ruled out the possibility of cancer. 医生排除了癌症的可能性。

rule out什么意思? rule out翻译(中文文):划去, 排除,

2. We can rule out that option as it is too expensive. 我们可以排除那个选项,因为太贵了。

3. The team ruled out any chance of winning the game. 团队排除了赢得比赛的任何机会。

4. She quickly ruled out the idea of quitting her job. 她很快就排除了辞职的想法。

5. The judge ruled out the evidence due to lack of credibility. 由于缺乏可信度而划去了证据。

同义词及用法:exclude, eliminate, dismiss, reject

exclude: 指从一系列可能性中剔除某个选项或人,强调将其完全排除在外。:The candidate was excluded from the final round of interviews.

eliminate: 指通过淘汰或消除某些选项来决定最终结果,强调通过筛选来达到目的。:We need to eliminate all unnecessary expenses in order to save money.

dismiss: 指将某事物或观点视为无关紧要或不值得考虑,强调对其不予重视或拒绝接受。:The jury dismissed the witness's testimony as unreliable.

reject: 指拒绝或驳回某事物或观点,强调对其持反对态度。:The proposal was rejected by the board of directors.

编辑总结:Rule out是一个常用的短语动词,表示“排除,不考虑”等含义。它可以用于否定句中,也可以表示“划去,删除”等含义。除了常见的同义词外,还可以根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达类似的含义。在使用时要注意上下文的搭配和语气的把握。


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