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ruin什么意思? ruin翻译(中文文):破产, 堕落, 毁灭 hellip

读音: [ruːɪn]

ruin什么意思? ruin翻译(中文文):破产, 堕落, 毁灭 hellip



1. The company's financial ruin was caused by a series of bad investments. (这家公司的财务破产是由一系列糟糕的投资造成的。)

2. His addiction to drugs led to his ultimate ruin. (他对的上瘾导致了他最终的堕落。)

3. The ruins of the ancient city were a reminder of its former glory. (古城遗址是对它曾经辉煌的提醒。)

4. The fire completely ruined the old building. (火灾彻底毁坏了这座老建筑。)

5. Her reputation was in ruins after the scandal broke out. (丑闻曝光后,她的名誉尽毁。)


1. Destruction: 名词,指物质或上的毁坏,比ruin更普遍和抽象。

例句:The destruction caused by the hurricane was devastating.

2. Decay: 动词,指物体逐渐腐烂或衰退,也可用来形容人的道德败坏。

例句:The abandoned house had started to decay.

3. Demise: 名词,指某物或某人死亡、消亡或终结。

例句:The demise of the company was inevitable after the CEO's embezzlement was discovered.

4. Devastation: 名词,指大规模的破坏或毁灭。

例句:The aftermath of the earthquake was one of devastation.

5. Downfall: 名词,指某人或某物从高位跌落或失势。

例句:His downfall came when he was caught cheating on the exam.




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