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1. sector是指特定的领域或部门,通常是指商业、经济或方面的分支。:the agriculture sector(农业领域)、the technology sector(科技行业)。

2. sector的读音为/ˈsektər/,注意读音中的“t”是发音的一部分。

3. 用例:

(1)The education sector is facing many challenges due to the pandemic.

(2)The government is investing more in the healthcare sector.

(3)She works in the finance sector and has a lot of knowledge about the stock market.

(4)The tourism sector has been greatly affected by the recent natural disasters.

(5)The retail sector is booming during the holiday season.

4. 组词:

- private sector 私营部门

- public sector 公共部门

- industrial sector 工业部门

- service sector 服务业

- energy sector 能源行业

5. 中英文对照:

sector - 领域、部门

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