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1.say是动词,意思是说,表达。例句:He said he would come tomorrow.(他说他明天会来。)

2.say的读音是/seɪ/,读法是seɪ。例句:She can't say her name yet.(她还不能说出自己的名字。)

3.say的用例有多种,可以用作及物动词和不及物动词。作及物动词时,后接宾语;作不及物动词时,后面不需要接宾语。例句1:He said something to me, but I couldn't hear him clearly.(他对我说了些什么,但我听不清楚。)例句2:She always says she loves me, but I don't believe her.(她总是说她爱我,但我不相信她。)例句3:Don't just stand there, say something!(别光站在那儿,说点什么!)例句4:I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that.(对不起,我并不是想这样说的。)例句5:The teacher asked the students to say the answer out loud.(老师要求学生们大声回答问题。)

4.say可以与其他词组成短语或者习语,say hello(打招呼)、say goodbye(告别)、say yes/no(同意/拒绝)、say sorry(道歉)、say thanks/thank you/thanks a lot/thank goodness(表示感谢)、say a prayer(做祷告)、say a few words(发表几句话)、say the word(说出来)、have a say in(有发言权)。例句:She always says thanks to everyone who helps her.(她总是对帮助她的人说谢谢。)

5.say的中文意思是说,表达。例句:他说他会来参加我的生日派对。(He said he would come to my birthday party.)



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