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1. shootup怎么读?shootup是什么意思?

shootup的发音为/shuːt ʌp/,是一个动词,读作“shoo-tuhp”。shootup的意思是指在短时间内迅速上升或增加,也可以指用射击或注射。:“The stock market shoot up after the positive news.”(积极消息公布后,股市大幅上涨。)“He decided to shoot up again.”(他决定再次注射。)

2. shootup怎么读?shootup是什么意思?读音读法

shootup的发音为/shuːt ʌp/,是一个动词,读作“shoo-tuhp”。它的基本意思是指在短时间内迅速上升或增加,也可以指用射击或注射。它的过去式和过去分词形式都为shot up。

3. shootup怎么读?shootup是什么意思?的用例

1) The price of oil has shot up in recent weeks.(最近几周油价飙升。)

2) The number of drug-related crimes has shot up in this area.(这个地区与相关的犯罪数量激增。)

3) The company's profits have shot up since they implemented the new marketing strategy.(自从实施了新的营销策略后,公司的利润大幅增长。)

4) The police shot up the suspect's car during the high-speed chase.(在高速追捕中向嫌疑人的车辆开。)

5) He was found unconscious after shooting up in the bathroom.(他在浴室注射后被昏迷不醒。)

4. shootup怎么读?shootup是什么意思?组词

- shoot down:击落,拒绝接受

- shoot out:突然伸出,射出

- shoot off:开,发射

- shoot for:为...而努力,瞄准

- shoot up:迅速上升,用射击或注射

5. shootup怎么读?shootup是什么意思?的中英文对照



发音|pronunciation/read as

词性|part of speech

基本意思|basic meaning

过去式和过去分词形式|past tense and past participle forms


组词|related words

shootup这个词可以有多种含义,但都与迅速增加或上升有关。它不仅可以用来描述股市、犯罪数量、公司利润等的增长,还可以指用射击或注射。无论是哪种情况,都传递出一种迅速而强烈的力量。它的过去式和过去分词形式为shot up,在发音上读作“shoo-tuhp”。除此之外,还有一些相关词汇,如shoot down、shoot out、shoot off、shoot for等。无论如何,这个词都充满了活力和冲击力,在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。


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