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1. several的意思是指一个数量不确定但是比两个多的数量,相当于一些或几个。several常用来表示数量上的模糊性,即不确定具体有多少个。:There are several books on the shelf.(书架上有几本书。)

2. several的用法是作形容词,修饰可数名词。它可以单独使用,也可以与数词连用,表示数量上的模糊性。:There are several students in the classroom.(教室里有几个学生。)

3. several的例句读音读法为/sev(ə)rəl/,重音在第二个音节上。

4. several的用例包括:several times(几次)、several days(几天)、several people(几个人)、several hours(几小时)。

5. 以下是关于several的五个例句:

① There are several apples in the basket on the table.(桌子上篮子里有几个苹果。)

② I have read this book several times, but I still can't understand it.(我已经读过这本书好几遍了,但还是无法理解。)

③ Several students were absent from class today due to illness.(由于生病,今天有几名学生缺席了课堂。)

④ The company has been through several difficult periods, but it has managed to survive and thrive.(公司经历了几个困难时期,但仍然成功生存并发展。)

⑤ She has several hobbies, such as painting, cooking, and playing the piano.(她有几项爱好,比如绘画、烹饪和弹钢琴。)

6. several的组词包括:several times(几次)、several days(几天)、several people(几个人)、several hours(几小时)、several books(几本书)、several students(几名学生)。

7. several的中英文对照为:


英文:several,a few,some

8. 总的来说,several是一个表示数量上模糊性的词语,常用来修饰可数名词。它可以单独使用,也可以与数词连用。其用法简单明了,在日常生活中使用频率较高。


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