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二:mess-up的发音为/mes ʌp/,其中mes发音为/mɛs/,up发音为/ʌp/。



四:1. I completely mess-up my presentation by forgetting my notes.(我完全搞砸了我的演讲,忘记带笔记了。)

2. The storm really messed-up the beach, there is debris everywhere.(暴风雨把海滩搞得一团糟,到处都是碎片。)

3. Don't mess-up the kitchen, I just cleaned it!(别把厨房弄乱了,我刚打扫过!)

4. The new manager really messed things up in the office, everyone is confused now.(新经理把办公室搞得一团糟,现在大家都很困惑。)

5. He always messes things up with his impulsive decisions.(他总是因为冲动的决定而把事情搞砸。)

五:mess-up的同义词包括:ruin, spoil, botch, muddle, bungle等。它们都可以表示搞砸、弄乱、弄糟等意思。:

1. She ruined the surprise party by telling him beforehand.(她在事先告诉他的情况下,把惊喜派对搞砸了。)

2. The chef spoiled the dish by adding too much salt.(厨师加了太多盐,把菜弄坏了。)

3. His attempt to fix the computer only ended up botching it even more.(他试图修理电脑,结果只是把它弄得更糟。)

4. The new employee muddled up all the files and it took hours to sort them out.(新员工把所有的文件都弄混了,花了几个小时才整理清楚。)

5. The team leader bungled the project and now we have to start all over again.(团队领导把项目搞砸了,现在我们不得不重新开始。)



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