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mess up什么意思? mess up翻译(中文文):搞糟, 陷入困境

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mess up什么意思? mess up翻译(中文文):搞糟, 陷入困境


例句1:Don't mess up the room, I just cleaned it. (别把房间弄乱了,我刚打扫过。)

例句2:I messed up my schedule and missed the important meeting. (我把日程安排搞糟了,错过了重要的。)

例句3:I'm afraid I messed up my relationship with her by saying the wrong thing. (我怕是因为说错话把和她的关系搞砸了。)

例句4:You should be careful not to mess up the delicate machinery. (你应该小心别把这些精密的机器弄坏。)

例句5:He always manages to mess things up, no matter how simple they are. (无论多简单的事情,他总能弄得一团糟。)


1. Screw up: 搞砸,弄乱

例句:I screwed up my presentation and now I have to redo it. (我把演讲弄砸了,现在得重做。)

2. Botch: 笨手笨脚地做事,搞砸

例句:He botched the job and now we have to start all over again. (他干糟了这件事,现在我们得从头开始。)

3. Muddle: 混乱,弄乱

例句:I'm sorry, I muddled up the dates and missed the deadline. (抱歉,我把日期搞混了,错过了最后期限。)

4. Mess around: 鬼混,胡闹

例句:S messing around and start working! (别胡闹了,开始干活吧!)

5. Make a mess of: 把某物弄得一团糟

例句:She made a mess of her hair trying to dye it herself. (她自己试着染头发,结果把它弄得一团糟。)


mess up是一个常用的动词短语,在口语和书面语中都很常见。它的意思是把某物弄乱或者自己陷入困境。它可以用来形容任何事情被弄乱或者搞砸,无论是物理上的还是非物质的。同义词有screw up, botch, muddle等,但每个词都有自己的特定用法和语境。在使用时要注意区分,并根据具体情况选择合适的词汇来表达。


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