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leave off是什么意思,leave off的解释

leave off一词有两种常见的意思,第一种意思是“停止做某事”,第二种意思是“遗漏某物或某人”。

leave off是什么意思,leave off的解释


leave off的读音为/liːv ɒf/,其中的元音字母o发短音,重音在第一个单词上。


作为动词,leave off可以用来表示停止做某事或者遗漏某物或某人。它可以作及物动词和不及物动词使用。


1. He decided to leave off smoking for the sake of his health. 他决定为了健康起见戒烟。

2. Please leave off playing the piano, it's already midnight. 请停止弹琴,已经半夜了。

3. Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave off work. 下班时别忘了关灯。

4. She left her phone at home, she must have left it off by accident. 她把手机忘在家里了,肯定是不小心忘掉的。

5. The teacher asked the students to leave off their jackets before entering the classroom. 老师要求学生们进教室前脱掉外套。


1. s:表示停止做某事或者中断进行。例:The rain sped and we could continue our picnic.

2. quit:表示主动地停止做某事或者离开某地。例:He quit his job last month and now he's traveling around the world.

3. cease:表示结束或停止某种活动或状态。例:The company ceased production due to financial difficulties.

4. omit:表示遗漏或省略某物。例:She omitted some important details in her report.

5. neglect:表示忽视或疏忽某事物。例:You shouldn't neglect your health for the sake of work.


leave off一词有两种常见的意思,一是“停止做某事”,二是“遗漏某物或某人”。它的读音为/liːv ɒf/,可以作及物动词和不及物动词使用。同义词包括s、quit、cease、omit和neglect。使用时需要根据具体语境来确定其意义。


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