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1.女士优先。 (n.) [ladies first] /'leɪdiz fɜːst/


Definition: a phrase used to indicate that women should be given priority or preference over men in certain situations.

Usage: This phrase is commonly used in social situations, such as opening doors or letting women go first in lines.

Example Sentences:

1. In this restaurant, we always practice ladies first policy.


2. Please let the ladies go first.


3. As a gentleman, he always believes in ladies first.


4. The company has implemented a ladies first policy for promotions.


5. In this society, we should respect the principle of ladies first.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Women First - another way of saying "ladies first" with the same meaning and usage.

2. Priority for Women - can be used to refer to the principle of giving preference to women over men.

3. Female Preference - similar to "ladies first", this phrase also indicates that women should be given priority or preference.

Editor's Summary:

In today's society, gender equality is becoming increasingly important and the phrase "ladies first" may seem outdated or even discriminatory to some people. However, it is still commonly used as a polite gesture towards women and shows respect for their presence and contribution. As an editor, it is important to be aware of the sensitivity surrounding gender issues and to use this phrase appropriately in different situations.


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